Graham just turned 8 months. Yes 8 MONTHS and I am kinda freaking out. Where did the time go? Seems like just yesterday he was so tiny and now he is scooting around the house, eating dog toys, pulling on wires and pretty much getting into just about everything he is not supposed to. Time is flying faster than I would like so this is my reminder to slow down, take each of these precious moments in because he will be off to school before I know it :(
Speaking of naps (please don't let this jinx me) Graham has become quite the consistent sleeper. Goes to bed around 8, wakes around around 7 and takes two good naps a day. Kinda makes me forget all about those endless nights of waking up at all hours...kinda makes me ready to do all this again with another...did I just say that?!?!
He also has 5 teeth...that I know of. He hates to show me so it is really tough to pry the t sweet mouth open and get a glimpse!
We started gymnastics class at the Little Gym and Graham LOVES it. He literally squeals with excitement every time we are there and of course is exhausted when we leave so while the class is ridiculously pricey that is a free bonus! YAY! Here are a few pics of class and him and his bud Owen.
We also took a trip down to Brenham a few weeks back and Graham had a great time hanging with Nana B, Aunt Dan and Cousin RH. He sure is sad she doesn't live closer :(
Graham also celebrated his first Valentines Day. He was so good with the rose for about 5 seconds and then he ate it. Oh well. My Love.